Subscribe Now To Our Email Lists
Interested in being in the loop on all our events, prayer concerns, and what’s happening with our kids and teens? Subscribe here.
Prayer Request Email: This goes out every Tuesday and shares congregational prayer requests.
Midweek Email: This goes out every Wednesday and shares any/all events coming up and going on at CCC.
Children’s Parent Email: At minimum goes out monthly on the first Friday of the month to update on the upcoming month’s curriculum, teachers, and any resources or announcements for the month. This email list may also be used to update parents on any unexpected or last-minute changes that need to be communicated.
Youth Parent Email: This goes out to update parents on upcoming events, and announcements, and keeps you in the loop on all things youth.
4 Chair Disciplemaking Coffee & Conversation
Join us for breakfast, a conversation about the LikeJesus App, and a debrief of our 4 Chair Disciplemaking Sermon Series. Learn about what chair you're in and how you can move forward to become a disciple who makes disciples. In preparation for this time please complete the 4-chair assessment. Download the LikeJesus App to complete it online or fill out a paper assessment (copies on the high-top table next to the Prayer Room). Please sign up here if you can attend the breakfast. If you are unable to attend this breakfast but would like to talk more about your assessment, please contact Ryan or Andrea to set up a time to meet.
Resurrection Sunday-Hope is Alive
On Sunday, April 20, CCC will gather for Resurrection Sunday at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. We will have our annual Pancake Breakfast before the first service at 8 am. We encourage everyone to invite someone to come out to CCC to worship and celebrate our risen Savior! Hope is alive!
CCC Prayer Workshop
Join us on Saturday, April 26 from 8:30 to 12 pm for a Prayer Workshop where we discuss the 4 Levels of Prayer: Talking to God, Talking with God, Listening to God, and Being with God.
John Mark Comers says in his book, Practicing the Way, that most Christians never move beyond the first two levels to experience a more intimate communion with God.
We can’t wait for you to join us to learn more! Following the workshop, we invite you to stay to join us for a luncheon where we can continue to have fellowship and discussion around prayer. Sign up here. Registration closes on April 21.
Youth Group Meal Signup
Looking for ways to serve or be a part of our Youth Ministry here at CCC? We are looking for volunteers to provide a meal for Sunday Night Youth Groups. Youth love food! Some of the hits were a veggie tray (yes you read that right), taco bar, breakfast for dinner, pizza and pasta, and much more. Please review the available slots here and click on the button to sign up. Questions? Contact Dan Knight 309-397-4501 or Julie Knight 309-397-4500. Thank you!
Plan for food for at least 40 people and feel free to team up with another family to provide. We always have drinks and chips on hand as well!
Keep the Children’s Wing Sparkling Clean
The Children's Ministry is looking for help keeping the children's environments safe, clean, and welcoming. We're asking individuals, families, small groups, etc. to consider taking responsibility for cleaning a children's ministry area. When you sign up, it's only for one room in one month, but you're welcome to claim as many as you'd like as often as you'd like. The main focus is for disinfecting high-touch areas and catching cobwebs, dust, and debris. Sign up here to help support the Children's Ministry.
Contact Emily with any questions, such as supplies and building access. Additional details are on the sign-up itself. Thank you for your support!