Sermon Notes

“Contagious Joy”

JOYFUL Humility

-Philippians 2-

It’s Not About Us!

‘Copernican Revolution’

  • The #selfie Generation/Culture – 93 million selfies a day worldwide | 25,000/person for those in the youngest generations | 5 hours/week for women between 16-25 AND just as many hours, if not more, for guys in the same age range | between 2011-2017 259 ‘selfie-related’ deaths compared to 50 deaths from shark attacks

So What’s the Antidote to Self?

A ‘Jesus Revolution’ [PHILIPPIANS 2.1-18]

Week 1:

JOY comes in fighting ISOLATION

JOY comes in Gospel PROCLAMATION

JOY comes in a heavenly ORIENTATION

This Morning:

JOY comes in [taking] the right POSITION [HUMILITY] – Humility is not thinking less about yourself; humility is thinking about yourself less (really not at all).

Pride is the mother hen under which all other sins are hatched. -C.S. Lewis-

At every stage of Christian development…pride is our enemy and humility is our friend. -John Stott-

For God to become a man was humbling enough, but He was willing to go even further. He could have come and assumed His rightful position as King of the universe. Instead, He took the role of a servant…better a criminal…and the Creator chose to serve His creatures. -Charles Ryrie-


In Philippians 2 we get:

  • The ______________________________ (vv. 1-4)

  • The ________________________________ (vv. 5-11)

  • The __________________________________ (vv. 12-18)

Unity lives where self-regard dies; and self-regard dies at the foot of the Cross. -Greg Gilbert-